200 years of the genre "song & piano" reinterpreted, digitally processed and questioned.
tags: lied, piano, voice, sprache: deutsch, digital processing, ambient, reflection
work: Ausweg
artist: Greie & Huber
label: AGF Producktion 018
release: digital format / 23 May 2014
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Since 2010 Greie und Huber
worked on this piano based album where lyrical content is largely abstract and evolves around philosophical distance and observation of humanity.
Review Westzeit: Greie ist AGF, die ihre KlangTextFragmente zuweilen so hoch verdichtet,
dass das Rezeptionsvermögen Normalsterblicher überfordert scheint und Huber ist wirklich der Typ von Tosca,
der - was mir neu ist - auch in eher experimentellen Zusammenhängen die Möglichkeiten von Klaviermusik untersucht.
Gemeinsam arbeiteten die beiden 4 Jahren lang an etwas, das ich als großer Freund des Kunstlieds (Schuberts Winterreise,
gesungen von Eberhard Büchner, müsste definitiv mit auf die Insel) nur feiern kann: sie entwickelten einen digitalen Liederzyklus.
Basis sind Hubers Pianostrukturen, die mal ganz sacht, dann wieder bis zur Unkenntlichmachung
(was hier gottlob nicht mit Zerstörung verwechselt wird!) digital umgeformt werden.
Klanglich bei Kirschner/Deupree angelehnt und textlich mit Referenzen sowohl an klassische DichtKunst
wie auch an AGFs komplexe poemproduction zaubern die beiden zitternde, jede Süßlichkeit meidende
und dennoch sehr anrührende Klavierlieder im besten Sinne. "SchwarzWeiss. Das volle Spektrum."
1. Einton
2. Zerstückelt
3. Federlicht
4. Stadtschnee
5. technoin
6. Ausweg
7. CundD
8. Frühling
9. Schwarz Weiss
10. Wallenweg
11. Das Gemeinsame
12. th-weg-ism
“Ausweg” builds around digitally processed piano and voice, language and composition. The language is the native language of both these internationally successful artists: German. The writing is in its source conventional; through different ways of digital production by both producers, however, it develops a sound which is perhaps a hybrid form of ambient, song and electro-acoustic reflection. The overall tone is calm, personal and earnest.
Greie and Huber have worked on this album since 2010. The lyrical content is largely abstract yet evolves around philosophical distance and the observation of humanity. While there are no specific keys for its interpretation for the listener, inspiration is drawn from recent events in international global politics.
Antye Greie-Ripatti (aka AGF) is a digital songwriter, producer, performer, e-poet, calligrapher, digital media artist and curator, known for artistic exploration of digital technology through the deconstruction of language and communication. Her poetry, which she converts into electronic music, calligraphy and digital media, has been presented on records, live performances and sound installations in museums, auditoria, theaters, concert halls and clubs in Europe, America and Asia. She has made collaborations with artists such as LAUB, Vladislav Delay, Craig Armstrong, The Lappetites, Eliane Radigue, Ellen Allien, and Gudrun Gut, among others.
Rupert Huber works solo on transformative projects around the piano and piano music. Since 1994, with his partner Richard Dorfmeister, he successfully releases and tours as TOSCA. Huber’s piano pieces were included on their “Dehli 9” (2003) remixes. Since 2004 Huber includes live electronics in his piano works. He premiered “Teardrops” (2012) at the Ars Electronica Festival, demonstrating the evolving technology of the key dynamic of a grand piano. Huber created a permanent multi-channel sound installation which opened in 2012 at the Vienna airport, where the sounds are controlled in real time by the airplanes.
Antye Greie
Rupert Huber